
Reddit relic hunters legend
Reddit relic hunters legend

The Green Pyramid clan is among those of the least social status in Tekumel, and so are often depended upon as laborers. The women looks similar, but with more aquiline noses, triangular features, wide cheekbones, and rather voluptous figures. Like most Tsoyaini, the men are muscular and medium-built, copper-skinned with their square jaws, hawk-like noses, and glossy black hair. Sure enough you see several Tsoyani men and women quickly moving towards your ship. I have sent a runner to gather some porters from the Green Pyramid clan to handle your cargo and luggage." I hope it was the result of homesickness on the part of the sailors and not something more regrettable. Strange that you seem to be short some crew.

reddit relic hunters legend

As you disembark, James Grace greets you and notes, "Good day to you, ladies. You can't help but wonder if it involves Handsome Jack and his salty crew, since you could not help but notice his ship, the Bonne Homme Ricard, was also at port. That usually means that something happened between visits that he wants you to find out from him first. That's never a good sign when he goes out of his way to meet you at port. Along the deck you see your elder butler and majordomo, James Grace, awaiting you ashore. The smell of salty sea is also mixed with other influences, from the burning of trash pit on the outskirts of the city to the smoke of incense. It is midday and many of the various religious sects are currently making a call to prayer, adding to the cacophany of sound. Moments later the drums are met with the sounds of various bells as well as the occassional gong. Spotters must have seen your ship approach, as you can hear the loud TUNG! TUNG! TUNG! of drums being beaten to alert the port officials to prepare. Captain Crawford guides the ship towards the eastern side of the city, as foreigners are only allowed to berth at Musa Jakall Harbor. And finally into the mouth of the Missuma River that leads to the great city of Jakalla, its ancient and impressively tall walls punctuated by a scattering of spires and towers.

reddit relic hunters legend

Past strategically vital Thayuri Isle, where many battles had been fought from the time the fisherman king Ho Etehltu slew his own brothers and the famed Dragon Warriors in order to secure his throne untold ages ago, to the more sporadic raids of the club-wielding lizardmen called Hlutgru. Past Point Kune a lookout post housing a company of the Empire's Legion of the Sapphire Kettle, with their embroidered blue shields and stout javelins. Captain Angelina Crawford nods her assent and helms the ship on its final leg past the Isle of Vra where your ship shared waters with the many fisherman of that land. Your navigator (and acting captain when the relic hunters are not aboard), Jacquotte Delahaye, informs you that the ship made it through in good condition but that she will be looking to recruit more crew members to replace those lost before you can set out to deep sea once again. Your cargo of iron ingots and coal also made it largely intact.

reddit relic hunters legend

Still, your talents and seamanship saw you through the rest of it without further tragedy and you limped your way through with only half a ship compliment until you reached the starless night sky of Tekumel.

#Reddit relic hunters legend full

Which is running for a full month until it concludes on November 5, 2017.įor more details, you can visit the Relic Hunters Kickstarter Page or the Relic Hunters official website.The voyage through the ever twisting storm that separates your land from Tekumel is always rough going, but this time your two-masted brig sloop, Ching Shih, had several large waves surprise the crew in between tethering stations and you lost over three dozen good women when they were swept overboard. The Kickstarter campaign launched on October 5th, 2017.

  • Optimized for PC native 4K resolution, unlocked framerates and 21:9 support.
  • Deep RPG Systems which include a Combo System that allows different Skills to unleash powerful elemental effects, Friendship System, that unlocks personal story missions for your favorite character, and Food System which provides daily bonuses to specific characters.
  • Dungeons hand designed to provide the ultimate challenge to coordinated 4-player groups.
  • Explore Procedurally-Generated Environments to the discover hidden treasures within each enviroment.
  • Play the game solo, with friends or with other Hunters!

    reddit relic hunters legend

  • Online Multiplayer Co-op for up to 4 players.
  • Next-Generation Top-Down Shooter Combat with multiple characters, skills, advanced enemy AI, and 3D environments, with full verticality.
  • Full Story Campaign with more story content to be released, post-release, in form of Seasons.

  • Reddit relic hunters legend